5 Dallas Cops Killed by Racist Gunman


Gunman killed in massive explosion.

5 Dallas Police Officers Killed.

On July 7, 2016, 100 Dallas Police Officers were assigned to a protest detail in downtown Dallas, just steps away from the location President Kennedy was killed.  Approximately 800 protestors were there, some open carrying guns, to speak out against the recent killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of police. 

As the protest proceeded, Micah Xavier Johnson, a disturbed former Army Private, came on the scene in his car.  He parked and got out, brandishing several firearms.  He opened fire on the police and protesters without warning.  Three Dallas Police Officers were killing immediately, and three others were injured.  Officers began returning fire and removing civilians from the area. 

Johnson, suffering from at least one bullet wound, began moving north, killing a fourth officer who confronted him.  He proceeded to El Centro College where he shot and injured two campus police officers who tried to prevent him from entering the school. Using another entrance, he climbed to the third floor and opened fire through a window on the chaotic scene below, killing and injuring more officers. 

Cops raced to the building to confront the suspect.  They found him barricaded in a position that was impossible to approach.  SWAT and hostage negotiators were called to attempt a surrender without any additional officers being killed. 

In a rambling hours long negotiation, Johnson shouted “Black Supremacy! Black Liberation!” several times. He also falsely claimed to have planted bombs around the city.  Refusing to speak to a white officer, he continued his standoff.

Due to his position in the building and the thin walls of the school, Dallas Police could not get close enough to engage the perp.  Senior Corporal Jeremy Borchardt came up with the idea of using a bomb disposal robot to deliver and detonate an explosive device to the perp’s location.  Dallas Police attached about a pound of C-4 to the robot and sent it towards Johnson’s position.  With a massive blast, the device detonated and killed Johnson instantly. 

The crisis was over, but the toll was high for Dallas.  14 officers were shot and injured.  Sgt Michael Smith, Corporal Lorne Ahrens, Officer Michael Krol, Officer Patricio Zamparria from the Dallas Police were killed.  Officer Brent Thompson from the DART Police was also killed.  Their supreme sacrifice will never be forgotten. 


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