Black Sox Scandal Indictments


On September, 28 1920, a Chicago grand jury indicted eight members of the Chicago White Sox on charges of fixing the 1919 World Series. White Sox owner Charles Comiskey immediately suspended indicted players; Chick Gandil, Buck Weaver, Happy Felsch, Swede Risberg, Fred McMullin, Eddie Cicotte, Lefty Williams and Shoeless Joe Jackson. All of the players were acquitted at trial, but immediately suspended for life by Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis for betting on baseball. The alleged conspiracy was organized by Arnold “The Brain” Rothstein, who ran a large gambling operation out of New York City. Rothstein was later a mentor to organized crime figures such as Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, and Frank Costello. Rothstein met his demise in 1928 when he was shot in the Park Central Hotel. He allegedly owed a large debt from a poker game and had failed to pay up. The shooter, George “Hump” McManus was arrested for homicide, but later acquitted for lack of evidence.


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