Iran And Kamala


This week we learned more about the Trump campaign hack by Iranian operatives.  The media has only given this passing coverage, and not a peep from the Biden/Harris Administration.  However, his story mirrors another narrative that we have been hearing about for almost a decade.  

That is the Trump/Russia collusion story. 

In May of 2016, the DNC had their email hacked, allegedly by Russian cyber operatives.  These emails were later released via Jullin Assange’s Wikileaks.  It caused great embarrassment to the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, showing that they were rigging their primary elections to avoid a Bernie Sanders candidacy.    

On December 9, 2016, the CIA told US Legislators that Russia was attempting to assist Donald Trump in winning the election.  This led to outrage in the anti-Trump crowd.  It started the narrative that Trump was a “puppet of Putin”.  The Clinton Campaign countered the embarrassment of the email leaks with the falsified Steele Dossier, which was started in June of 2016, shortly after the DNC hack.  That made the left’s (including the corporate media’s) heads explode.  Trump was a Kremlin operative; truth and FBI misdeeds be damned.  We hear that false narrative incessantly right up to the present day.  

Over the summer we learned that Iranian operatives hacked the Trump campaign – perhaps  a sign that Iran was opposed to another Trump Presidency.  This week the FBI announced that the Biden/Harris campaign was contacted by Iran with an offer to share the information that had been stolen from Trump.  That seems to confirm that the Iranian regime would prefer dealing with the likes of Anthony Blinken and Kamala Harris to Donald Trump.

News outlets were quick to point out that there was “no signs the Democrats accessed this stolen material”.  There were no signs either way, but that doesn’t mean that it could not have happened.  Trump naturally did not get the same benefit of the doubt when the Russia story broke.  

It would stand to reason that the Iranians would prefer a continuation of the Biden/Harris Administration.  After all, they let them get away with almost anything.  For example:

  • In one of its first acts, the Biden/Harris Administration removed some of the Trump sanctions on Iran.
  • Biden/Harris allowed Iran proxy Houthi Rebels to attack shipping in the Red Sea.
  • They allowed Iran proxy Hamas to attack Israel with no apparent repercussions.  
  • Iranian sympathizer Robert Malley was made Special Envoy to Iran.  He brought a few select Iranian operatives into the Administration.  He was caught and suspended, but the scandal seems to have been covered up at the time of this writing.  In fact the suspension may have been in name only as recently there was information that he was on a top secret call after his suspension and did not lose his email account access.
  • In August of 2023 the Biden/Harris Administration agreed to a prisoner swap for two Americans held in Iran.  The US released $6 billion in frozen assets back to Iran as part of the deal.  They also allowed Iran to sell more oil as part of the deal.  
  • The nincompoop Anthony Blinken has been negotiating with Iran on behalf of Biden/Harris, both of whom seem unable or unwilling to speak with world leaders.  Blinken may have allowed Iran to develop nuclear capabilities while his “negotiations” seem more and more like an Iranian stall tactic.  In July he admitted that Iran is “one or two weeks away” from having fissile material enough for a nuclear device. 

The corporate media, so quick to label Trump a Putin fanboy, seems to have forgotten to ask about the who, what, where, when, and why regarding these moves with Iran.  The fact that Biden/Harris was contacted about sharing stolen Trump data seems a mystery to them.   

Their lack of curiosity is just more of the same, and the reason that no one trusts them anymore.  

But the Biden/Harris relationship with Iran is a pressing question, and one we will almost certainly not get any answers to. The questionable relationship with Iran dwarfs anything that they had on Trump, which was mostly lies anyway.  Apparently, election interference is only a problem when Trump is benefited.  

Don’t be surprised when the Democrat’s “October Surprise” comes from information gleaned from the Trump Campaign hack.  The media won’t ask where it came from.  But they’ll run it – non-stop.  


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