We don’t need no stinkin’ judges
In watching YouTube this week (mostly old Dead shows and fire buff videos) I was of course inundated with ads.  A remarkable number of these were from the Brennan Center of Justice at NYU. They had a very serious, dangerous, and infuriating message.Â
The Brennan Center wants to install term limits on United States Supreme Court Justices. This proposal, which I would describe as radical, apparently enjoys “broad bi-partisan support” according to the Brennan Center’s website. Lifetime appointments are “undemocratic” according to these luminaries (I’m sure they were cheering the removal of Trump from ballots) (which I’m sure is “bi-partisan,” too, because the Lincoln Project agrees).
                          temporary housing development
You would think that this would require a Constitutional Amendment, but the patriots at the Brennan Center would disagree. They note that, despite the clear intent of the founding fathers and 230 years of tradition, the Constitution has some wiggle room in this area. The verbiage states that justices “shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour”, implying, but not specifically stating, that the appointment is for life, barring misconduct.Â
The Brennanites argue that even if this lack of lifetime appointment does not pass muster, Supreme Court Justices could simply be moved to a lower federal court after their term is completed. A mere act of Congress could accomplish this. No Amendment required. Â
Of course, what’s really going on is that the left is trying to eliminate the one obstacle left in their way, a Supreme Court free of political interference. The one their media partners can’t influence. The one that censorship, election interference, and partisan criminal prosecutions can’t sway. They will continue to attack Clarence Thomas and others with everything they can muster to accomplish this goal.
                                     “You want to do what?!”
The irony in all this lies with the Center itself. The “Brennan Center for Justice at New York University” is named for Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan. Justice Brennan served on the Court from 1950 until a stroke forced him from the bench in 1990. He is the 7th longest serving Justice in Court history. The center that “honors” him would have had him removed from the bench.Â
Thanks for reading The Ops Desk. Stay Safe!