Category: Today In History

Today In History

Charles Manson Finally Dies

On November 19, 2017, Charles Manson died in his prison cell in California. The infamous 83-year-old cult leader …

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Today In History

Jim Jones Drinks the Red Kool-Aid

Jim Jones was a very charismatic fellow. His dedication to fundamental Christianity and Communism led to a large following of dedicated zealots.

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Today In History

H.H. Holmes Arrested

Born Herman Webster Mudgett in May 1861, the future Henry Howard Holmes, a name chosen in honor of detective Sherlock Holmes …

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Today In History

Race War in Texas

On November 16, 1859, four Texas Rangers were killed in what became known as the Cortina War. The Cortina War was a racial …

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Today In History

Kennett Square Cops Assassinated

On November 15, 1972, tragedy struck the tiny Kennett Square (PA) Police Department. Two of its members, Police Officer Richard Posey …

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Today In History

Rancho Tehama shootings

Rancho Tehama is a small rural community in Northern California. It is mostly wild land with the 1500 citizens who live there …

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Today In History

Bataclan Theatre Massacre

On November 13, 2015, France experienced the worst terror attack in its history. Beginning at 9:15 p.m., three Islamic

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Today In History

Murder on the High Seas

World War II veteran Arthur Duperrault had always dreamed of sailing the Carribean on a long vacation. He was

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Today In History

Andersonville Commander Hanged

Andersonville Military Prison in Georgia was the notorious camp where thousands of Union Soldiers meet a horrible demise. The

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Category: Today In History

H.H. Holmes Arrested

Born Herman Webster Mudgett in May 1861, the future Henry Howard Holmes, a name chosen in honor of detective Sherlock Holmes …

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Race War in Texas

On November 16, 1859, four Texas Rangers were killed in what became known as the Cortina War. The Cortina War was a racial …

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Rancho Tehama shootings

Rancho Tehama is a small rural community in Northern California. It is mostly wild land with the 1500 citizens who live there …

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