Folks — major drama playing out in real time in Hunter-land.
In short: Hunter Biden is due in Delaware federal court tomorrow at 10:00 am on his plea deal. A key point will be: In light of all the ongoing allegations, will the judge allow the deal?

Now — on the eve of the deal! — the lawyer for the House Ways and Means Committee, a Mr. Kittila, has filed a request for an “amicus brief.” Essentially: the Republican Congress wants to file all the evidence they’ve gathered, in an effort to kill the sweetheart deal.
Kittila’s filing is 420 pages. It has, as Exhibit A: What is apparently Congress’s entire case file against Hunter.
Naturally, Hunter’s lawyers lit up in response, filing a letter to the court opposing this. BUT: At some point, one of Hunter’s lawyers allegedly called the Judge’s clerk and pretended to work for Kittila! And requested that the evidence be taken down.
So it was taken down.
So Kittila put it back up and sounded the alarm. The Judge investigated… and the Judge’s clerk backed up Kittila.
In writing.
Let’s just say: the Judge doesn’t sound happy.
This is all playing out as we speak, folks. I’ve never seen anything like it.
As of now, the Judge says she is giving Hunter’s side until 9 pm tonight to show why their side should not be sanctioned.
In addition, the Judge has agreed to keep Congress’s evidence file against Hunter sealed until close-of-business tomorrow, to give Hunter’s side a chance to oppose. If they don’t, or can’t make a good argument… she will unseal it.
How all this is going to affect the Judge’s willingness to accept the plea deal is anybody’s guess.
Personally, as she is keeping 420 pages of Congress’s evidence sealed until COB tomorrow, I would hazard a guess that she won’t finalize it tomorrow. Just a gut feeling.
Stay tuned. There will be more filings by 9 pm.
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