Fort Hood Shootings


On November 5, 2009, US Army Major Nidal Hasan walked into the Fort Hood Soldier Readiness Processing Center, armed with a recently purchased, powerful FN-five-seven semi-automatic pistol. After momentarily bowing his head, he shouted “Allahu Akbar!”, and opened fire.

Hasan was scheduled to be deployed to Iraq, hence his presence in the Readiness Processing Center. He had developed a disillusion with the military’s mission and the United States in general. He had expressed anguish over serving in a military that fought against Muslims. Other soldiers had described him as disconnected, troubled, and paranoid. He had also spoken aloud of supporting suicide bombings and non-Muslims going to hell. Army psychiatrists had expressed concern on several occasions, but nothing was ever done.

Now it was too late. Hasan began firing indiscriminately, but eventually started shooting at individual soldiers. He passed over civilian personnel as his rampage continued. Base Civilian Police began arriving on the scene. Police Sgt Kimberly Munley was first on the scene and engaged Hasan. Hasan shot her twice and disarmed her. The next police officer on the scene was Sgt Mark Todd. Todd came under fire immediately but was able to return fire just as Hasan was switching magazines. Todd shot Hasan five times, disabling and paralyzing him.

In all there were 214 rounds fired in the incident. There were 13 fatalities and more than 30 other injured. Police Sergeants that engaged Hasan received the Secretary of the Army Award for Valor. A lengthy investigation into the incident was initiated by the FBI, the Texas Rangers, and the US Army Criminal Investigation Command. Hasan was put on trial at his court marshal. He was not allowed to plead guilty as per military rules, and was found guilty. He was sentenced to death and is currently on military death row.


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