H Rap Brown Captured


Cop Killer Finally Put Away For Life

H Rap Brown, now known as Jamil Abdullah al-Amin has had more than his share of run ins with the law.  He had been involved in several shootouts with cops around the country in his years as a black nationalist and criminal.   

Brown was an outspoken member of the Black Panther Party.  His message of violent revolt against the United States and white people in general was repeated around the country in the 1960’s and 1970’s.  

In 1971 Brown robbed a New York City bar.  While attempting to escape, he shot two NYPD cops but was eventually shot and captured.  He served five years in Attica for his crime during which he converted to Islam.  After his release he moved to Atlanta and became a grocery store owner and community leader.

In May of 1999 he was stopped by a police officer in Marietta, Georgia for speeding in a stolen car.  He never showed up for court.  On March 16th, 2000, two Sheriff’s Deputies from Fulton County went to his house to collar him on the warrant.  They didn’t get an answer at the door but saw Brown driving his car nearby.  The Deputies, Ricky Kinchen and Aldranon English stopped his car.  Brown immediately opened fire with a .223 rifle and a 9mm pistol.  

Both cops returned fire, but they were soon hit numerous times.  English survived buy Kinchen didn’t make it.  He died at the hospital the next day. 

Brown fled to a friend’s home in the woods near White Hall, Alabama.  US Marshals located him on March 20, 2000. When the Marshals approached the home, they were met with gunfire from Brown.  After a running gunbattle through the woods, Brown was captured.  He was wearing body armor and the 9mm pistol used to shoot the officers in Atlanta was found near where he was caught. 

 Brown was returned to Atlanta to stand trial.  He was found guilty of the murder of a police officer amongst other charges and sentenced to life in prison.  


Christopher Flanagan


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