Pass the Buck


The Secret Service Lays the Blame

Over the past two days we have seen our federal law enforcement agencies in full CYA mode.  The FBI was calling out the Secret Service’s failures immediately (lest the shooter is found to be “on their radar”). The Secret Service also came out with a “statement” blaming local police for the glaring mistakes made in Butler.

And there were mistakes made.  There is no way Matthew Crooks should have made it to that roof.  That location is obviously a threat. 

In my experiences with the NYPD, getting cops to the roof was always one of the first priorities, either for a dignitary event or just after a typical shooting crime scene.  For the Secret Service, it’s second nature.  Yet the Secret Service told us it wasn’t their responsibility, that the local police screwed up.  That roof should have been identified as the primary point of concern outside the perimeter. And therefore: Secret Service responsibility. 

The temperature in Butler that day was hot – 91 degrees.  Being up on a roof on a sunny 91-degree day is not a good post.  It might not even be bearable for more than a few minutes, but recall, the speech had just started. 

Either way, leaving that post uncovered is inexcusable.  If need be, get more police agencies involved, hire off-duty cops, get a guard agency, put a temporary shelter up there, a misting fan, have the fire department wet down the roof, get a camera up there, put up a drone – even if it is against protocols.  You have one job.  It HAS to be covered.  The Secret Service sniper team was up on a similar roof, and they managed.  It must be addressed, and the Secret Service is responsible. 

Should The Shooter Have Been Spotted And Stopped?

At least one cop saw the shooter.  Should he have engaged? 

The circumstances are not completely known.  Could he have shot the perp?  Did he make a radio transmission?  Did the cop just retreat and do nothing?  We don’t know yet.  If there was a radio transmission, the Secret Service should have had someone monitoring all frequencies in use at the event.  The New York Post reported that there were several reports about Crooks transmitted to the Secret Service at several points during the event.  So there was time to move Trump off the stage.  At the end of the day, law enforcement is responsible to anticipate the worst, have a plan, and take action.  At this point it doesn’t appear that that happened. 

And that might not even be the most significant failure of the Secret Service.  The aftermath has been a travesty.  We have yet to hear a meaningful statement from the Secret Service on the assassination attempt.  The agency head, who instead of being in Milwaukee for one of the major political events of the year was instead at a convention in Aspen on our time and our dime, currently remains MIA. 

Which brings us to a systemic problem in the Biden Administration.  President Harry Truman famously had a sign on his desk: “THE BUCK STOPS HERE”.  That sign must have been lost somewhere along the way.  This administration takes responsibility for nothing.  We don’t even know who to blame, as there are serious questions as to who is running the country. 

The head of the Secret Service is Kimberly Cheatle.  She has qualifications.  She was not parachuted in from Pepsi with no background as some have claimed.  She was an agent for 27 years and rose to the position of Deputy Assistant Director. 

So: Is she competent, or was she hired because of “diversity”?  Probably a little of both.  She is openly pushing a DEI agenda within the agency, promoting hiring based on gender and race.  She did work directly for Joe Biden when he was Vice President and that undoubtedly was a major factor in her appointment.   According to The NY Post, she had Jill Biden’s strong backing for the job.

(Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle)

But where is she?  Apparently, Cheatle was in Aspen for an upcoming security conference, undoubtedly on our time and our dime.  The conference starts July 16th, but she was there days earlier (taking some time to relax and schmooze, no doubt).  Has she even left Aspen yet? 

The RNC is one of the major political security events of the year – and she was in Aspen.  Additionally, this shooting is likely the most significant event related to the Secret Service in decades.  The agency head needs to be on scene, directing the response, and in front of cameras.  Where the hell is she?

In police work, the most significant event for an agency is the murder of a police officer.  Have you ever seen the head of a police agency not at the hospital, not telling us what happened, not at the focal point of the situation?  Yet nothing from Cheatle. 

She needs to go.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because it is; it is the MO of the Biden Administration.  The Director of the FBI doesn’t answer Congress’s questions at hearings.  The military doesn’t discuss the disastrous and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan.  The Director of Homeland Security can’t give an honest answer about the border.  The Secretary of Defense disappears for over a week to have surgery, while his assistant flies off on vacation. 

And forget KJP.  We don’t know whether to laugh or cry when the Press Secretary gives a briefing.  Someone should ask her what her favorite color is so at least she can answer something honestly. 

(Joe Biden, spotted in-flight.  It’s when he moves fastest.)

And make no mistake – this attitude comes right from the (alleged) top.  Joe Biden doesn’t take questions.  The most iconic and frequent image of this President is him walking away from reporters.  When he was forced – FORCED — to give a press conference recently, the questions appeared rehearsed and pre-planned.

We are a country in the dark about the actions and functioning of our own government.  No one is held to account.  No one is fired.  Don’t ask, don’t tell is alive and well in Bidenland.  

We can expect more of the same from the Secret Service.  And they wonder why conspiracy theories abound.    

The Buck Stops Here

The Buck Stops Here Iconic President Harry Truman Executive Desk Plaque ...

This is the iconic sign that sat at the edge of Harry Truman’s desk.  It let everyone who entered his office know who was in charge and who was responsible. 

The phrase has become common parlance, but what does it mean?  “Pass the Buck” is actually a poker term.  It originates in the American West in the 1900’s.  As you may know, the dealer in poker changes.  There is a chip or marker that designates who the next dealer is. 

In the old west, the marker was often a buck knife – everyone had one and it was always available. 

The dealer was responsible for dealing the cards and ensuring the game was played properly.  That no one cheated.  That could get dicey in the wild west.  It was a responsibility and a burden.

Invariably the lazy, the inept, or the weak would try to “pass the buck” to the next player without taking his turn to deal.  Hence the term. 


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