Law and Disorder
Three San Antonio Cops Charged With Murder — So Fast?
Over the weekend, an incident occurred in San Antonio which resulted in the death of a woman at the hands of police — and the indictment of three of those police for murder.
Cut-and-dried? I don’t think so.
For one thing, the incident is, as per San Antonio Chief of Police Bill McManus, still under investigation. If that’s so — why an immediate arrest, on the top charge possible? The three cops were arrested the same day as the incident. Highly unusual.
McManus is the former Chief of Police in Minneapolis. I’ll just leave that there.
Secondly, San Antonio has a District Attorney who was funded by… yup: George Soros.
Last, San Antonio’s Mayor, Ron Nirenberg, is a progressive.
According to the reporting, the woman was having a “mental episode” and approached the three cops with a hammer.
It may turn out that the cops are indeed indicted, subsequent to arrest. But this feels like a rush to judgment, designed to quell the mob.
And a nuance: All three cops are hispanic — as is the victim.
More and more, we are seeing this throughout the country. The simplistic narrative of “trigger-happy-white-cops” is being upended by non-white police officers taking action with which the media — and progressive prosecutors — disagree.
I have a feeling we haven’t heard the last of this case. Stay tuned.
New York: A Tale of Two Slashings
In the first, a woman is slashed on the subway, then follows and videotapes her (predicate felon) attacker as he walks casually away and she starts to bleed out. PS: No one helps her (caution: graphic video).
Simple question: Do you think this woman would consider Daniel Penny a hero — or a killer?
In our second: Two food cart vendors (in New York parlance: roach coaches) get into a beef in midtown, with one slashing the other’s neck.
Believe it or not, this is not an uncommon police job in NYC. I worked midtown for awhile in my career, and responded to such a thing at least twice. The vendors compete for the most lucrative corners… and it’s their livelihood, so tempers run high.
The vendors are always Middle Eastern immigrants, who work hard and earn good money. But who prefer to settle things as they do in the old country.
Those knives ain’t just for chopping shwarma, apparently. I suggest you tip.
Affirmative Action — About To Affirmatively End?
Folks, just a heads up that SCOTUS is likely to end affirmative action for college admissions this week (perhaps even Monday). The decision has already been written (reportedly by Thomas and Alito — two of the most conservative justices on the court).
All I can say is: brace for impact. Depending on the wording, this could be among the most momentous decisions for American culture many of us have seen in our lifetimes.
By building on this decision going forward, conservatives may well be able to end preferential treatment for protected-class individuals in all walks of American life (employment, promotions, etc).
Depending on how broad the language of the decision is, this could make Roe v. Wade look like small claims court.
Drama, on the horizon.
And Finally… The Dumbest Comment of 2023 Thus Far
… comes to us from Georgia Democratic Representative Hank Johnson, who harangued Special Prosecutor John Durham during the recent hearings by charging that Durham, “couldn’t even indict Hunter Biden!”

To which Durham calmly replied, “We didn’t investigate Mr. Hunter Biden.”
Johnson, who once suggested that the island of Guam could “tip over and capsize” due to U.S. troop deployments, apparently was unaware that Hunter was not part of the Durham investigation.
Yet he represents the people of Georgia in Congress.
Is this a great country or what?
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