THE DEATH OF NEW YORK: It’s not your imagination….


THE DEATH OF NEW YORK: It’s not your imagination….

If you really want to know how much trouble NYC is in, watch this (click the box to follow the link):

I actually have begun to feel sorry for the Mayor (I will get crushed for that, I know). He looks shell-shocked these days. I think this FBI investigation has really shaken him; he’s generally far more adept than in that interview. Maybe he should lay off the late-nights out and get some sleep.

(Uncorroborated Rumor Department: The Mayor won’t sleep in Gracie Mansion — the Mayor’s official residence — because he believes its haunted. Having been there, I can say: the beautiful old building is haunted — but not by ghosts, by river rats off the adjacent East River).

Meanwhile, as former veteran of the Queens DA’s Office Jim Quinn fully captures in an important piece in The New York Post, six of the “seven major” crime categories are up from 2019 to today. And that does not capture the quality-of-life harassments, assaults, and shoplifting misdemeanors that literally go unpunished these days.

Here’s the graphic from Quinn’s piece (click the image for the full article).


There’s a canard floating around that “things aren’t really that bad” and that “the reporting doesn’t match the statistics.” Wrong.

As I’ve written before, I believe that robberies are actually the truest metric of street safety. But good lord — look at that Auto Theft number.

I think the word Adams was searching for above might’ve been, “apocalyptic.”

THE ADAMS CHRONICLES: Is he spoliating?

“Spoliation” is a fancy legal term which essentially means to destroy evidence. It’s also what comes to mind as Mayor Adams’ office begins to pursue a plan to destroy millions of emails that go back four years.

Now: In light of the fact that the reported savings will only amount to about $1 million — in an administration that, as we’ve noted, has started roughly a dozen new city agencies — one has to wonder why this is suddenly a priority. According to Politico, the savings amount to 1/1000th of one percent of the city’s budget.

This would, however, “apply to certain staffers who worked for Adams when he was Brooklyn Borough president.”

Which by the way, is when the Turks’ reported courtship of Adams began — the courtship the feds are now reportedly investigating.


Mayor Adams: “All my haters become my waiters when I sit down at the table of success.” Right. As NYC circles the drain, check out this amazing interactive website of all those Adams-adjacent. Snarky and fun (and disembodied heads are always a plus. (via

NYPD cops outflanked by protestors (again), with no enforcement. And then this shame: a protestor sticks a bumper sticker… on a Deputy Inspector! (I wouldn’t have believed this were there not a photo) (NY Post)

I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised — NYC has caved (again) to the NYCLU. NYPD cops’ ability to police protests has recently been severely curtailed. And you were wondering why our transporation hubs are shut down every evening by the anti-Israel, anti-cop, antifa, anti-everything crowd? (Washington Post)

The City Council is about to pass a veto-proof bill requiring NYPD to document pretty much every encounter they have with the public. Sponsored by Jumaane Williams — who is lined up to take over as Mayor, should Mayor Adams be forced to step down. It is, of course, all couched around “institutional racism.” It is also profoundly detrimental to policework and profoundly stupid. (via Fox5).

Migrant crime victims get a “path to citizenship.” So now they’re faking crimes against themselves. Feels inevitable, no? (via NY Times)

NYC is officially out of room — and so the “right-to-shelter” law is finally, operationally, defunct. Cue the lawyers. (The City)

Google just made it impossible for law enforcement to use the sort of investigative technique that helped capture Bryan Kohberger — and so many others…. (Forbes)

In response to Asa Ellerup’s reported $1 million payday from a documentary on her husband, the accused Gilgo Beach killer, lawmakers in NYS are looking to update the Son-of-Sam law that prevents perps from profiting from their crimes — by including family members. It is likely unconstitutional. (Long Island Press).

And finally….

This is a DWI, and there’s nothing funny about it. No really, don’t laugh. Don’t!

Eh, okay, laugh.

And we’ll see you next time, for our Second Annual Oppies…!

In the meantime… stay safe.



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