You’ve Been Had


The curtain is pulled back on the con

The mark, the vic, the dupe, the rube.  That is what you feel like as an American voter today.  The Biden cabinet members, Karine Jean-Pierre, television news pundits, journalists, whatever Joe Scarborough considers himself, and the Democratic Party have been telling us for years to disregard our eyes and ears.  Telling us that we are mistaken and being ageists.  Telling us that we are in good hands now and for the next four-year term.  Telling us the Joe Biden is fine.

They told it to our faces over and over.  They said it so often we started to second guess ourselves.  They called people who disagreed liars and con men.  Deep fakers, cheap fakers, and election interferers.  They repeated it as gospel right up until about 9:15 last night.

Then their con fell apart.  As Joe Biden’s plastic surgery scarred face sagged, as incoherent gibberish continued to sputter forth, as even the merciless Donald Trump seemed to pull some punches, their thinly veiled web of lies disintegrated. 

President Biden just couldn’t compete.  And it wasn’t against a formidable opponent.  Trump was sedate and controlled.  Trump missed a few opportunities. There were no interruptions.  No MAGA audience members to distract Biden.  No vicious insults. The debate rules were rigged in Biden’s favor – short response times, no back and forth, friendly (although shockingly fair) questioners, and a few breaks.

One must wonder what has been going on behind the scenes both within the Administration and the media.  Who has been in on this scam? Are they all in on it?  Was it just the media bosses and cabinet secretaries?  That’s not the vibe we get.  It seems like an institutional, pervasive attempt to defraud the American voter. 

And the stakes couldn’t be higher.  Two very dangerous global conflicts, both of which have the potential to go nuclear. 

Biden hasn’t even spoken to Vladimir Putin.  There is a war in Europe, and he can’t pick up the phone.  That seems criminally negligent, but now we have proof as to the reason why.    

No engagement and plenty of flip flops on the war in Israel and Gaza.  There never seemed to be a strategy or game plan.  Now we understand completely.  Joe Biden is not capable of directing such action. 

And Biden’s domestic record is not exactly stellar. The FBI Director is telling the public that the risk of a terror attack is extremely high and imminent. Terrorist have been entering through the southern border. And Biden just keeps letting them in. He has done nothing meaningful about the migration crisis since undoing Trump policies.

There are many questions about the viability of the Biden election campaign.  Some questions as to whether Joe can even finish the current term.  He clearly is not running the country, but what power does he have in his own administration.  I guess we are hoping he doesn’t have much input anymore (like when he directed the Afghanistan withdrawal), but that depends on who is making decisions.  We have no idea.  The American people do not know who is running the country. That is not a democratic republic.  There is no allowance for a shadow president in the US Constitution or in a free society.

One thing is certain.  This should be the death knell for the corporate media and the current American powerbrokers.  These people, from Obama to MSNBC to the Democratic National Committee, should not be listened to.  It is critical to the existence of our democracy that we demand the truth.  Turn them off, tune them out, vote against them.  They are proven liars and cannot be trusted again. 

Thanks for reading The Ops Desk. Stay Safe.


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